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    Norėtumėte gauti naujienas, skirtas:

    • Pradžia
    • Naujienos
    • Lietuvoje esantiems jauniems ukrainiečiams – galimybė dalyvauti „Europos solidarumo korpuso“ savanorystės projektuose
    Lietuvoje esantiems jauniems ukrainiečiams – galimybė dalyvauti „Europos solidarumo korpuso“ savanorystės projektuose
    2022 05 13


    Norėdami būti solidarūs su nuo karo nukentėjusiais ukrainiečiais, kviečiame 18-30 metų ukrainiečius dalyvauti ES programoje „Europos solidarumo korpusas“ – savanorystės projektuose.

    Šiuo metu turime 17 laisvų vietų, į kurias organizacijos mielai priimtų 18-30 metų ukrainiečius. Į dalį iš jų yra galimybė priimti jaunas mamas su mažamečiais vaikais. Jaunuoliai veiklose būtų užimti 30-38 val. per savaitę. Veiklos vyktų jaunimo centruose, ugdymo įstaigose, regioniniuose parkuose, nevyriausybinėse organizacijose ir pan. Šiuo metu laisvos vietos yra projektuose Vilniuje, Kaune, Telšiuose ir Ignalinos rajone.

    „Europos solidarumo korpuso“ savanorystės programa – nuo 2018 m. veikianti Europos Sąjungos programa (anksčiau vadinosi „Europos savanorių tarnyba“ arba angl. European Voluntary Service), kuria siekiama suteikti 18-30 m. jaunuoliams galimybę savanoriauti užsienyje ir prisidėti prie vietos bendruomenėms aktualių problemų sprendimo. Programa užtikrina, kad dalyvaujantiems jaunuoliams būtų sudaryta saugi aplinka vykdyti savanorišką veiklą ir jos metu, mokantis iš patirties, ugdyti bendrąsias kompetencijas. Programa pilnai finansuoja kelionės, apgyvendinimo, maitinimo, sveikatos draudimo išlaidas, taip pat dalyviui suteikia kišenpinigius ir užtikrina dalyvio mokymo, palaikymo ir kitas su projekto įgyvendinimu susijusias lėšas. Galima dalyvavimo programoje trukmė – iki vienerių metų.

    Kviečiame dalintis šia informacija su jūsų aplinkoje esančiais ukrainiečiais. Lentelėje pateikiame informaciją apie organizacijas ir projektus, kurie pasiruošę priimti ukrainiečius savanoriauti. Kviečiame peržiūrėti pateiktą informaciją apie veiklas ir susisiekti nurodytais kontaktais.


    Organizaciaj ir kontaktiniai duomenys Trumpas veiklų aprašymas Savanorystės trukmėPradžia Vieta Laisvų vietų skaičius
    VšĮ „Socialinis Veiksmas“

    Monika Sudeikytė


    +370 670 93 696

    Įvairios veiklos Šatrijos vaikų ir jaunimo klube. Daugiau informacijos: https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/12378_en


    12 mėn.Kuo greičiauVilnius1
    Asociacija „Litdea“

    Tomas Kurapkaitis



    Įvairios priimančios organizacijos. Siūlomos veiklos susijusios su vaikų priežiūra ir ikimokykliniu ugdymu darželiuose; darbas su jaunimu-gatvėse; pagalba mokykloje vaikams su negalia; įvairios pagalbinės užduotys intelekto negalią turintiems žmonėms bendruomeniniuose gyvenimo namuose ir medžio darbų dirbtuvėse. Galimybė priimti savanorius su mažais vaikais, kurie gali lankyti švietimo įstaigas.8-12 mėn.Kuo greičiauKaunas, Vilnius10
    VšĮ „Actio Catholica Patria“

    Aušrinė Barkauskaitė


    +370 670 05103

    Savanorystė Kauno marių regioniniame parke. Užduotys apima praktinius darbus (infrastruktūros priežiūrą, krūmų genėjimą, kt) bei darbą su parko lankytojais – veiklų jiems organizavimą.  https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/29897_enIki rugsėjo pabaigosKuo greičiauKaunas2
    VšĮ „Actio Catholica Patria“

    Aušrinė Barkauskaitė


    +370 670 05103

    Savanorystė bendruomenės centre skirtame intelekto sutrikimų turintiems žmonėms. Užduotys apima pagalbą centro lankytojams jų kasdieninėse veiklose; https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/29530_enIki rugsėjo pabaigosKuo greičiauKaunas1
    Telšių jaunimo centras

    Aistė Jokubauskaitė


    +370 677 79129

    Savanorystė jaunimo centre – užsiėmimai ir veiklos su jaunimu. Daugiau informacijos apie projektą ir organizaciją:


    12 mėn.Kuo greičiauTelšiai1
    Aukštaitijos nacionalinio parko ir Labanoro regioninio parko direkcija

    Linas Stanaitis




    Veiklos nacionaliniame parke:


    Iki gruodžio vidurioKuo greičiauIgnalinos raj., Palūšė1



    Young Ukrainians in Lithuania have the opportunity to participate in European Solidarity Corps volunteering projects

    To show solidarity with Ukrainians affected by the war, we invite Ukrainians aged 18-30 to participate in the EU’s “European Solidarity Corps” programme – volunteering projects.

    The European Solidarity Corps volunteering programme is a European Union programme that has been operating since 2018 (formerly known as the “European Voluntary Service”), which aims to give 18-30-year olds the opportunity to volunteer abroad in solidarity with local communities. The programme shall ensure a safe environment to carry out volunteering activities and opportunity to develop general competences and learning from experience. The programme covers travel, accommodation, meals, health insurance, as well as provides pocket money to the participants and ensures their training, mentorship and other costs related to the project. The possible duration of activities is up to one year.

    Currently, we have 17 vacancies in Lithuania that organizations would be happy to offer for Ukrainians aged 18-30. Some of the projects are ready to welcome young mothers with young children. Participants would spend 30-38 hours a week volunteering. Activities would take place in youth centres, educational institutions, regional parks, non-governmental organizations, etc. Currently, spots are available in projects located in Vilnius, Kaunas, Telšiai and Ignalina district.


    Victoria from Kherson shares her experience as a European Solidarity Corps volunteer in Rietavas, Lithuania

    How does volunteering benefit you?

    For me personally, volunteering is a form of non-formal education, a way to step out of comfort zone and challenge myself. The pandemic cancelled my plans for 2020: travelling, studying abroad (in Slovakia). For two years, I was afraid to go out of comfort zone, change my lifestyle or work, because I didn`t feel the stable. After graduating from university, I didn`t understand what to do in the future, what career I want to build and also I was annoyed by formal education. The one-year volunteering program seemed for me as a “GAP-year” – time for rest, personal reflection, travel and the opportunity to try new things, meet people, live in another country.

    What did volunteering give me?

    For sure, it gives a feeling that it has a power of changes. The changes in my private life, in society, in a world, because volunteering is always about sharing experience, gaining knowledge and analysing lifestyle, goals, values, priorities. Before volunteering, I didn`t have enough time and energy to think about these issues, because I had a lot of studying, work, daily routine. Important thing, that during volunteering I met people, that support me, help in personal reflection, lift me up to achieve my goals, inspired and motivated me.

    What are you doing in your volunteering activities?

    I`m volunteering in an Open Youth Center in Rietavas – non-formal organization, that work with young generation from different backgrounds. Together with young people we play games (billiards, table tennis, table football, “Uno” and other), support and help youngsters to organize workshops, events, culinary activities, also we drink some tea and speak on topics, that concern them. The conception of “Open Youth Work” is to accept person without judgment, social labels, to be “on the same level” with youngsters, respect them and teach how to follow some agreements (no alcohol, no smoking, no bad words, clean after yourself, no bulling, fights and other). Such kind of youth work (mentoring) help young people to build respectful relationships in their life, to understand what they want from life, which future they see for themselves.

    Why did you decide to participate?

    The idea of “Open Youth Work” is completely new to me, because there are no organization with similar principles of work in Ukraine. I hope I received knowledge and experience will be useful to change “youth policy” in my country, perhaps for the creation of the first “Open Youth Center”. I decided to participate, because in my school years there was a person next to me, that motivated me in personal development. Despite difficult life situations and thanks to this support, I have achieved a lot, so I also want to help others. If you are thinking about volunteering program – just choose what you like. Do you love animals? A volunteer program at dog/horse/cat shelters will give you a knowledge, how to take care of them. Do you like reading books? Many volunteer programs are available in libraries. Do you like to help people? Try your hand at working with refugees. Do you like to teach/organizing activities for children? Then we invite you to volunteer in schools / kindergartens. I wish you a pleasant time and good luck, guys!

    How to get involved?

    We invite you to share this information with Ukrainians in your surroundings. In the table below, we present information about organizations and projects that are ready to accept Ukrainians for volunteering. We invite you to review the information provided about the activities and contact the specified contacts.

    Organisation and contact information Short description of project/activitiesVolunteering duration Start dateVenue Number of volunteers 
    VšĮ ”Socialinis Veiksmas”

    Monika Sudeikytė


    +370 670 93 696

    Volunteering at Šatrijos club for children and youth. More information at https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/12378_en


    12 monthsAs soon as possibleVilnius1
    Litdea / Lithuanian Development Education and Awareness Raising Network

    Tomas Kurapkaitis



    Variety of hosting organisations. Activities relate to childcare and early education in kindergartens; youthwork-street work; assistance in school for children with disabilities; various assisting tasks to people with intellectual disabilities in the communal living home and woodwork workshops. Possibility to host volunteers with young children who can attend the educational institutions where our projects are located.8-12 monthsFlexibleKaunas, Vilnius10
    VšĮ “Actio Catholica Patria”

    Aušrinė Barkauskaitė


    +370 670 05103

    Volunteering in Kaunas Lagoon Regional Park. Tasks range from practical work (fixing infrastructure, cutting bushes, etc.) to working with adults and kids in the visitors centre (organizing activities). At least one of the participants shall be a man.  https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/29897_en 

    until the end of September

    As soon as possibleKaunas2
    VšĮ “Actio Catholica Patria”

    Aušrinė Barkauskaitė


    +370 670 05103

    Volunteering in the centre for people with intellectual disabilities. Tasks: assisting people with intellectual disabilities in daily routine and tasks; https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/29530_enuntil the end of SeptemberAs soon as possibleKaunas1
    Telšiai Youth Centre

    Aistė Jokubauskaitė


    +370 677 79129

    Volunteering in youth centre – different activities with teenagers. Infopack:


    12 monthsAs soon as possibleTelšiai1
    Administration of Aukštaitija National Park and Labanoras Regional Park

    Linas Stanaitis




    Various activities in National Park, ranging from practical works to awareness raising and event organisation:


    Until mid-DecemberAs soon as possibleIgnalina district, Palūšė1