Užpildyta sėkmingai.

Prenumeruodami mūsų naujienlaiškį kiekvieną mėnesį gausite:


    Norėtumėte gauti naujienas, skirtas:

    Registration to Mid-term 04.20-24

      First name

      Last name



      Mobile phone number

      Your Email

      Country of origin

      Duration of your service (months)

      Special needs (health care, vegetarian food, allergies etc.)

      Hosting organization

      Mentor, his/her phone number

      Please describe your volunteering activities: your responsibilities, hosting organization, environment, biggest concerns etc.

      Please evaluate your project as it has been so far (1 – very bad, 5 – excellent)

      What would you like to discuss, to learn, to get to know during the mid-term meeting?

      Any other expectations/comments/suggestions?